(Document)Snapshot: Takes a temporary snapshot of the current Word document without using Save common, and which can allow you easily restore to any specific snapshot (backup) of the document before closing the document. The software is described below, arranged by the Ribbon group in which they appear. > Convert images to equations with one click, other collection of tools for common conversions and selection,etc.> Convert files between Doc and Docx, Docx and PDF.> Split the current document into separate documents according to heading 1, section break or other criteria.> Merge and combine multiple Word files across folders in to one with your desired order.> Insert multiple images across folders into Word document at once.18,000+ users' choices, full-featured free trial in 60-day. It contains groups of tools for saving hours of your time and boosting your work efficiency. Kutools for Microsoft ® Word is a powerful add-in that efficiently frees you from time-consuming operations which the majority of Word users have to perform daily.